
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Well it has been a year since Mother died. For a long time I did not think about it, put it out of my mind. Little by little this stopped working. And then Buddy Dog died. I couldn't keep hiding the feelings.

So I've had a pretty severe depression. I've been lucky in that that certain someone has been there for me. At times I just feel so sad and miserable. I miss my mother. I miss the sometimes ridiculous phone calls where I could not get a word in. I miss having her at my house and cooking meals for her. I miss taking her to Safeway and the library and the other places she used to go. I wish she was around to see little Ruby and disapprove of her naughtiness.

Speaking of Ruby... she is so weird. Decides to not poop for two whole days because there are so many more interesting things to do than go poop. The other day she must have pooped in her sleep because there it was in the bed. Not nice. Same with peeing, usually three times a day. Yesterday it was once. She gets so excited by random dogs barking, people on bicycles, and gross things on the ground that she doesn't want to go.

I've been finishing up a project- short biographies of all of the men who died during World War II from my home county in Michigan. There are about 90 or 95. A handful are listed on the monument back there, but I cannot locate any information on them. Hopefully when I go back the last week in June I will be able to look through the newspapers that are not online and find them. I have also been putting together some puzzles including a 1,500 piece one that Doug gave me for Holiday. I never look at the picture while doing so, it is harder and more of a surprise that way.

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