
Monday, July 29, 2019

It is still July and I'm wishing the summer was over. So tired of the heat.

Ruby had to wear the cone of shame for a couple of weeks. One aspect of that is that the cone was big enough so that she could not get through the front fence. She got to run around and have fun and not be on a leash. So I went to Lowes and got some fencing and ran it across the front and side fence


A woman alerted me that she had a photo of my great great great grandmother Chloe (Streeter) Ransom (1813-1904). The few stories that were passed down was that she was a mean bitch. The photo seems to agree with this.


I harvested my nectarines and peaches. They were a little under-ripe, so I sliced them up and put them in a pot with a little water and sugar. Tasted like apricots when I got done. I used some of that to make a filling for a cake that I brought to pool volleyball.


I purchased a small photo album on Ebay that had 15 tintypes and photos of a family that my Fillmore ancestors were neighbors with back in New York and in Michigan.

Civil War vet!

I worked Retro Game Show with Matt, Mark, and Nancy. It was a fun time.

Chatty Cathy!

I've been sleeping on the couch in the living room in front of the AC unit. Ruby enjoys the cool breeze. She also enjoys chewing on the couch and has taken to crawling under the sheet on the regular bed and chew on the mattress. SIGH. I need to replace both.


I went to a photo exhibit with Matt and on the way there saw this exotic insect, which entomologist Doug identified as a Mesquite Bug Nymph. It is very pretty.


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