
Monday, May 25, 2020

Harlan sent me an email asking if I was okay. Yes, I am. I have been lazy about posting. So let's catch up.

Matt stopped by and Ruby got to see her boyfriend. She adores him. She is wearing a new collar and had had a shower bath because she was so smelly. She didn't like the event, but afterward ran around the house excitedly. Her strawberry-kiwi smelling fur was soon dirty again, since she has a hole in the front yard that she likes to sit it.


I was called out to take care of some sensitive archaeology beneath what was once Interstate 10. Spent six days out there, doing sensitive things. Allen found a field system that is over 2,000-years-old, always fun to find.

Allen marking fields.

I won't be going to any estate sales during the pandemic- those things are a disease vector heaven. However, I did make a couple of purchases on an online auction and I went to pick the items up property masked and gloved. This is the Eastlake style occasional table that I got for $29. I took the old modern-ish table I had to Addison for his shop. I love brown furniture. It dates to the 1870s, according to my antique dealer friend Seth.

Eastlake Table.

I also got an enormous bag of kitchen items for $6. Mostly knives and nut crackers. I really wanted the aluminum ice cream scoop. There were a few interesting, old items.

Sterling silver cake tongs.

Sterling silver lemon fork, sugar cube tongs, and demitase sugar spoon. Also sterling silver, I'm going to find a home for these.

 Have done a few more puzzles when I am not transcribing articles.

Fruit catalogues.

Have visited with Gandalf a few times. He likes me because I sneak him treats.


I had 60,000 frequent flyer miles and the chances of me getting on an airplane in the next couple of years are limited, at least until there is a vaccine. So I used some of the miles to get an air fryer and some to get a knife set. The air fryer arrived first. It does cook tater tots and onion rings fast without any oil.

Air fryer. Does take up too much counter space.

On Saturday I went to Safeway on my weekly grocery shopping trip. I told six people to put masks on. I am so over being nice about this. An archaeologist I once worked with died from Covid-19. Only a few years older than me. I am done being nice.

Matt and I went to the Chinese grocery store. Almost everybody wearing masks except for the extremely dirty looking dude. Gross. So many unusual food items (to me) including banana flowers in a can. Who knew?!

Matt and I, masked.

Ray and Robert traded puzzles with me. I cannot get the picture to behave, but I finished this one this morning, taking the day off from work.


Last night the nice neighbor couple had friends over for a party. I do not know if they behaved and did social distancing. I'm guessing not. If so, disappointing.

The zinnias I planted by seed are blooming, albeit looking a little scraggly. They remind me of my mother's garden back in Michigan.


It is 1:05 PM on a Monday. What else can I do to pass the time? I guess wash dishes.

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