
Monday, October 12, 2020

I filled out my ballot on Saturday. Voted for only Democrats. Will never, ever vote for another fucking Republican for the rest of my life.

I took the ballot to the post office and mailed it on Sunday.

And today that religious nut is being considered for the Supreme Court. I am not supposed to use a certain word, but she is that Certain Word. She is going to push her fervent fundamentalist religious beliefs on the rest of us. She will directly affect my life in the coming years. I'm watching Senator Amy Klobuchar lecture that Certain Word about the Affordable Care Act. That Certain Word is going to get rid of the Affordable Care Act, and she will have the best government paid for health insurance. All of us with existing conditions will be screwed over. And she will vote against LGBT rights. And she will make abortion illegal. Her opinions on these matters are now known, despite the fact that Certain Word failed to disclose things she had written, lectures she had given, petitions she had signed, because I guess having all of those fundamentalist religious beliefs makes you conveniently forget that you have vile opinions and want to fuck with the lives of millions of people because you believe some Bible bullshit.

Anyways, I hope you vote for only Democrats because if you vote for Republicans you are a Certain Word.  


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