
Monday, October 19, 2020

The Orange Thing is in town today, speaking at the airport I think. Spreading Covid-19.

Yesterday at Michaels, which I had gone to to buy green things (my mind isn't working) (pipe cleaners!) for the stems of paper flowers I am making, there was this couple not wearing masks. I haven't seen that in over a month. Everyone in Tucson behaves. Except these two fucking smug idiots. They should have been kicked out of the store. Because you know they are the types busy spreading the disease and killing people. I was with Matt, otherwise I would have started shouting at them. He is afraid I will get shot.


I'm particularly upset about this because a close relative has it back in Michigan and is pretty sick at home. Another close relative is awaiting to find out whether they have it.

Wear a mask.
Practice social distancing.
Wash your hands.
Turn off Fox "News."

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