
Friday, April 08, 2022

The 1950 United States census has been released after 72 years. I looked up my parents, grand parents, and one set of great grandparents. No real surprises.

Well one surprise, one grandmother was a census taker. My father is living at home working on the farm.

The Thiels

Grandpa had another 14 years working for Michigan Bell. Grandma would soon go to work for Milliken's Department Store in the book and stationary department. My mother would graduate from high school, spend the summer working as a telephone operator, and then head off to Michigan State where she hated her fencing class and purposely flunked it.

The Feigers

Colonel and Maybelle lived out in Almira Township. Colonel was farming- not sure what he was growing. Maybelle had another year of life.

The Ransoms.

I have spent thousands of hours doing genealogical research for myself and for work. Nice to have a new set of records to look at.


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