
Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Well a month passed. In the middle of March I arranged a surprise birthday party for Matt. It was a surprise! I invited a few friends, ordered pizza from Los Olivos, made a yellow cake with chocolate frosting.

Addison, J.P., Earl, Matt, Peter, and Mark.

Matt got some nice presents including a set of Pyrex refridgerator containers and six Little House books, which he is enjoying reading.

Matt and the Cake.

I made lemon sugar cookies and various colored lemon icings for Egg Day cookies. They were delicious.


Last Wednesday I boiled eggs and we colored them.


On Egg Day I made scalloped potatoes and took that and peas to Matt's house. He made a cheesy-bread bake and carrots. I ate too much.

A surprise visitor was Ray from Spain. We went to BK's for tacos. It was nice to catch up.

Senor Ray.

I've mostly been watching boreholes, auger holes, and trenches along Silverbell Road. I sit on a bucket a lot.

Today I was taking care of comments on a monitoring plan when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It was a bobcat kitten. I tapped on the window and it stopped to look at Erina and I. It stood there and probably wondered who and what we were. It was very cute.

Bobcat Kitten.


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