Tuesday, December 31, 2024
In the corner was the red tree with crocheted snowflakes. Next to it was the flocked tree with Shiny Brite ornaments from the 1950s and 1960s.
A big crowd showed up for the party. I had made Better Homes and Garden sugar and gingerbread cookies. Also had finger foods- potato chips with onion dip, corn chips with salsa, deviled eggs (got eaten up quickly), crudite and ranch dressing (don't bother next year), little pickles and garlic-stuffed olives, cheese platter, and eggnog (don't bother with non-alcohol next year).
This year I bought squeeze bottles at the dollar store. Made about 8 or 9 colors of icing. It worked so much better than using sandwich bags.

Most of the cookies got decorated. They looked nice on my antique platters.
After the party ended we moved all of the living room decorations into the dining room. I have been going in there and just looking at all of the pretty things.
Matt and I had gone to the 22nd Street Ace Hardware early in December and a staff person told me Santa had stopped by. Matt was dubious about us posing, but I insisted. It was the first time I had a formal Santa photo.
Homer, Santa, and Matt.
It was a nice holiday. We opened presents and I got Matt a pair of bridegroom ornaments, one brunette (me!) and one blonde (Matt!). He laughed when I told him I paid full price for the brunette and the blonde was on sale.