
Tuesday, September 07, 2004

I'm such a fag. I listened to the Sound of Music soundtrack while putting things back in the kitchen. It is going to take a while though, everything is dusty and has to be washed.

As I type this Joey jumps up in my lap. She loves to sit there when I'm at the computer, looking up at me with her pretty yellow eyes. Sometimes she'll see something move on the screen and stare at it puzzled. She's getting fat, her little tummy gets bigger and bigger. In contrast, Puff and Mama Cat are sleek and lean.

That was exciting. I'm a little under-inspired tonight. Maybe watching the Amazing Race will get my blood going. Watching Henry Kissinger on the telly tonight certainly didn't. He should give up offering his opinion. No one cares, Henry, you are irrelevant. Madelaine Albright came across as smart and articulate. She rocks.

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