
Friday, August 31, 2007

So last night I dreamed I was Britney's new tour bus manager. The dream mostly consisted of me scrubbing and vacuuming the tour bus while encouraging her to spend more time with her kids. In real life I hate washing dishes. In dream world it was very satisfying knowing that by cleaning the tour bus kitchen, I was somehow putting Britney on the course back to normalcy and happiness.

Normalcy has returned to Tucson too. The U of Arizona is back in session and when I drive by the rec center on the way home from work I see all of the hotties, many of whom I'm now old enough to be their father. I don't feel that old. I'm pleased to see that muscles and scruff are apparently in, still. There are some young women going to college too, but I have only have a few seconds at the stop light to examine people from an anthropological point of view, and the guys get all my attention.

Home life has returned to normal. Mollie the elderly dog was in bad shape last week. Her back legs didn't want to help walk or stand up. But she has regained strength and can stumble around, tail wagging whenever it is treat time. I've never had to deal with an elderly pet before. She isn't in any pain, but the slow decline has started. Also on the homefront, the ant infestation (it was horrible) was ended through the placement of a few ant traps. I no longer have long lines of ants tromping through my house looking for dinner.

Three day weekend coming up. Brian is visiting from beautiful south Phoenix on Sunday. I think he will like the cooler temperatures here. We are having Indian buffet for lunch and then I'm taking him to a couple of places, one of which will be a mystery till we get there.

What are you doing for Labor Day weekend?

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