
Thursday, November 29, 2007

I told Panchesco, in one of those email things, that seeing him walking north on Central Avenue was one of two highlights of my day. The other was seeing someone arrested. Luckily, these events did not involve the same person. I told Panchesco that if he had, in fact, been arrested I would have posted bail. But only after he had scouted out the jail for hot guys.

It was a dark and stormy morning. It sprinkled for hours and I got moistened while watching the backhoe dig trenches. As I suspected, there was a lot of fill dirt dumped onto the parcel we are studying. Did you know that "studying" was the only word I spelled incorrectly in the 4th grade? I still have the strip of paper with the gold star missing from that week, tucked in along with my report cards and various artwork from my school days. Anyone who would look through that manila envelope would instantly realize I was a faggot by the second grade.

So yes, Panchesco was walking away from the Greyhound Station and I was practically giddy to see his handsome face. Afterwards he sent me some photos of San Carlos, the lovely Mexican beach town where Jimbo and I saw birds galore and a raft of sea lions and 9 dolphins leaping. And blue footed boobies. I don't know if Panchesco saw any blue footed boobies, but you can see his handsome friend Hyram's boobies at upper left on Panchesco's photo site.

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