
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Well another year is over. Can't say I am sad to see 2013 go. It was a year of disappointment and no real progress. A lot of the goals I had set for myself (get a book completed, save money) fell by the wayside. Some other stuff happened too. Turning 50 and experiencing one of the dullest birthdays ever, well that was a thrill. Suddenly single. Breaking a tooth. Trying to be patient with mother in her elderly-ness.

There were a few highlights. Teaching field school and meeting a younger generation. Interesting to see how things have changed, including attitudes. A trip to see Forrest and Travis. A trip to see LeGrand. Some new old clothes. Getting some work done on the house and yard. That article in American Ancestors magazine. The All Souls party (although I was less of a fan of the actual Procession).

If you had asked me a year ago about certain things I would not have thought they would happen they way they did. But life is full of unexpected events and you cannot predict things. If someone had told me nine states would legalize same sex marriage including Utah (Utah!) I probably would not have believed them.

Not making any resolutions or goals. Why set yourself up for disappointment? Here's hoping that 2014 is better than 2013. If you happen to read this, I wish you a Happy New Year.

Annual end-of-year self portrait.

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