
Friday, September 19, 2014

Yesterday as I rode to work on the bike (two times this week, 24 miles), a juvenile roadrunner stared at me and ran ahead of me for a while.

Click on the picture to see the bright blue and orange markings next to its eye.

I was going to ride again today and take photos of some morning glories and datura, but it was raining when I got up. It sprinkled at my house but poured elsewhere. The Santa Cruz River was filled with water on my way home.

I drove to the top of Sentinel Peak to take some pictures. Tucson is a basin surrounded by mountain chains. About a million people live here. 

To the east.

And yet a short distance from my house is the desert. Pima County just bought up a large chunk to save it from developers. I wonder if the rattlesnakes and javelina have any idea how close to obliteration they came.

To the west.

Tomorrow Craig and Jesse are coming down from Phoenix to celebrate my birthday with me. We are going to make hand-churned vanilla bean ice cream. YUMMMMM.

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