
Friday, March 22, 2019

It happened very quickly. On Wednesday morning Buddy was limping slightly on one of his front legs. This happened occasionally, but always would clear up after a few hours. He often ran around like crazy, barking at bicyclists or the mail person. I thought this was another time when he had strained a muscle. I came home that afternoon and discovered him sitting next to the back gate. He could hardly walk, both front legs barely able to move. I brought him inside and watched over him. Coaxed him to eat a can of wet cat food and dribbled some water in his mouth. He occasionally moaned and panted. By yesterday morning it was worse.

I called the vet and arranged to come in. Took him outside and he peed twice while lying down. He didn't seem to be in pain. I carried him into my car and took him to the vet. The nice vet discovered that his front legs were not responding- he apparently had no feeling in them. It was either something to do with his brain, a neurological condition, or possibly a tumor on his spine. In any case, there was nothing that could be done.

Buddy was otherwise in excellent health for a 15-year-old dog. The hardest thing to do is to say goodbye. Buddy was a mostly good dog, although lately he had chewed up a lot of the back gates. He barked every morning (once I counted 34 barks in a minute). He wanted to chase my cats. I guess those were the naughty things. He liked tummy rubs, treats (I spoiled him), sleeping on my couch, chasing his ball. He even put up with Ruby dancing around him. He especially liked Robert's dog when Robert stayed with me.


I will miss him a lot.

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