
Monday, February 10, 2020

Everyone in my family has diabetes. So, surprise, I started feeling super thirsty and drinking a lot of water and peeing every 45 minutes or so. Very unpleasant. I went to the doctor and they discovered that my blood sugar was super high, as was my AC level. Luckily, my pancreas is producing some insulin, so I do not have to inject. Instead I am taking pills, eating a no sugar, no-carb diet, and attempting to get more exercise. Matt and I walked up to the top of Tumamoc Hill, me panting all the way.

At the top.

My blood sugar levels have dropped dramatically, but are still above normal. Not that everything is rosy. I have been feeling gross and depressed, and having blurry vision. So today I went to the fancy eye doctor and had my eyes dilated. Yuck. And then as I was driving home, my glass lens decided to pop out. You do not want to know how ridiculous I looked driving.

Dilated, with Snowball and Ruby keeping me company.

I could not work, the dilation lasted until almost 3 PM. At last it was done so I could run over and collect my mail (a bunch of stamps I ordered on Ebay had arrived), and talk with people about our winning proposal that we did last Thursday. I will be gainfully employed later this year!

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